Monday, May 21, 2007

Naughty Boys

The Year of Living Seriously (Naughty Boys) --- Part One of a Series

*the following is the beginning of a series that will more than likely go at least three days . . . see what happens when you have a week to think about something

Hi kids! Just so you know, per the current social climate, freedom of thought is currently still allowed but freedom of expression is dead. In other words think what you will, just don’t tell anyone. You think I’m kidding but it’s true, just ask Opie and Anthony. These two are a couple of shock jocks (to clarify a shock jock is one who is supposed to, by definition, SHOCK us) that were recently suspended for discussing sexual fantasies about Condi Rice, Laura Bush and Queen Elizabeth.

I can’t say for sure but I’m relatively certain that this is, in some small part, fallout following the whole Don Imus controversy last month. Don Imus, as you remember, was fired for derogatory comments he made on Al Sharpton’s radio show. Now I did hear Imus’ comment but I never heard the comments made by these two. I am, however, rather certain as well, that this was not the first time that either Imus or Opie and Anthony either behaved in this manner or made remarks of this nature. Truth be told, these statements were intended to shock as well as amuse their audience and, as this is part of the job description, it should not have come as any surprise.

The big problem is that the environment has changed, we are living way too seriously lately. We're afraid to offend, we're afraid to respond, and we're afraid to speak our minds. So here’s some warnings to those out there who have the chutzpah to think for yourselves:

1. You can think whatever you wish but please refrain from verbalizing or sharing your thoughts in any way with anyone that may be offended. So if you, for example, are wrestling in your mind with the notion that there seems to be a lack of parity in the fact that it is racist to preclude young women of color participation in the Miss America pageant but that it is not racist to preclude young Caucasian women participation in the Miss Black America pageant . . . Please!! Keep it to yourself!

2. Thoughts lead to ideas, ideas lead to plans, plans lead to actions and actions lead to change. Those in power don’t want you to think, it may lead you to recognize the fact that you have more power than they do and they certainly don’t want you to recognize that.

3. Leaders of industry are consistently hypocritical. They like to hire people that are on the cutting edge, act in a creative manner or have original thoughts and then, they fire those same people for those same reasons. They’re kind of like those pro-lifers who cherish life above all else and then go and shoot living, breathing physicians under the premise of saving life.

The execs at CBS and XM radio have chosen, rather than grow a set of balls, to make a rather shortsighted attempt at growing a conscience. The problem is that they are chastising the talent that they hired to stir the proverbial pot for, well, stirring the proverbial pot. I’m ninety-nine percent sure that when the revenue is flowing freely they wouldn’t give a shit if these guys mentioned on air that the CEO of their company had fantasies about screwing a sheep named Glinda while wearing a diamond studded g-string (not that I have any conclusive proof that any particular CEO does or does not have this fantasy).

Has it really gotten to the point that comedians, disc jockeys and sarcastic pricks, present company included, are no longer allowed to make fun of us all without fearing some recourse. How freaking sensitive have we become?

( . . . to be continued )

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