Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My License to Skew has been Reinstated

a deliberate skew

“welcome back my friends to the show that never ends”

Where the fuck have you been?

Hi kids, and welcome back. As two or three of you may notice, most notably those of you who did not happen upon this site by accident, things have changed. I’ve been spending time putting together this site together, it seems I had a very minimal readership in the past and had no way of tracking just how many of you there were out there. I’ve been told as well that those of you who were my few and far between have been missing my acerbic wit and sarcastic banter, so I have decided to play on and do my best to increase the recommended daily allowance of polysyllabic expletives one can digest.

Since its my party here, I can say just about anything I want short of inciting citizens of a riotous uprising against their inept, elected officials for the purpose of bringing the power of government back to the people where it belongs. I may insert phrases and terms such as “motherfucker” or “rug munching megalomaniac” for emphasis, so if politically incorrect banter offends you please click here for a special message (get the fuck out you pansy, wuss). If not, welcome. We love your kind.

Truth be told that despite my inane, offensive lyrics I do have a heart somewhere buried deep beneath the abyssmal pit of sarcasm the encircles my soul. I believe that children are the future, that one person can make a difference and that we can save our planet if we send the message to everyone we know. I believe that government can be important and powerful and still serve the people that empower it. I believe that sex is the most profound of pleasures that remains free if you know where to look, and if you're married don't look too fuckin'far. I believe that true love can save a person’s life and that monogamy is still the best way to go. I believe in peace, love and understanding.

I believe that capital punishment is a truer deterrent than three square meals, an exercise room and a college degree. I believe that if your crime involves a child there is no punishment that can be imagined (and believe me, I’ve got a pretty fucking active imagination) that is too severe or too barbaric. I believe that illegal immigrants take their lives into their own hands when seeking to cross their border into the USA, and so we should be able to take their lives into our hands while trying to defend our border. I am that walking contradiction that Green Day sang about and I do not apologize.

So here I am, independent with a license to skew and skew is what I’m gonna be doing.
My opinion, my thoughts, my words, and my pissy attitude. And please feel free to add your thoughts and opinions, I do, after all, always need people to pick on. We will not be treating topics with kid gloves, we will not leave anyone out when choosing those to pick on, and we will not, and I repeat will NOT, be translating these musings into any other language than English [English is the official language of a deliberate skew and any of its subsidiary blogs].

* no trees were harmed in the creation or production of this blog. A deliberate skew is dedicated to a clean and green environment.

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