Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Happy A--holes : )

*Disclaimer for last Blog entry—just in case I offended any of the hardworking immigrants who have come to this country along legitimate channels, sorry, you’re not included in my little tirade. That was reserved for those who cross a river, or sneak over a bridge, or wash up on the coast and then get false documents, work here, and send most of their money home with no intention of ever becoming a productive member of the United States. And then, they bitch about our sending, or wanting to send them back. F. U. to those folks!

Secondly, HA! to whatever idiot wanted to make it so that Cook County would have no right to question the legal rights of immigrants to work within our system, isn’t it hard enough for those of us who do? So F.U. to those persons!

And now, on with the show!! Hello my faithful reader(s). I intended to go in another direction today but the wonderful administration at my current place of employment have necessitated a segue into another area. I’ll return to bitchin’ about other topics later this week, in the meantime . . .

Happy A--holes

Completely simulated conversation between Todd Stroger and some of his staff:

“Dr. Simon? Hi Bob! Listen, I was thinking, it’s been like 12 hours since we bent over some of our employees for a real f---in’. What can we do about that?”

“What’s that you say, let’s demand that all of our managers who haven’t gotten a raise in over three years to take 10 days off without pay under the guise of saving their jobs, many of which we have already cut from the budget? Well goddamn Bob, that’s the best one yet!!”

“Thanks Bob, you’ve really outdone yourself this time! You’d better get busy if you’re gonna top that one! And, Bob . . . thanks, no one screws over our employees, residents, and taxpayers like you, except maybe me, ha, ha, ha. You’re doing a great job!”

Ring-Ring-Ring-phone rings(duh)

“Hi Andre (Garner, press relations for President Stroger-doesn’t talk to media). Listen, I was just talking to Bob Simon and we decided to screw over middle management again. Yeah, it is funny isn't it?”

“No, you don’t have to talk to the media about it, why in the hell would a PR person talk to the media?!”

“Of course you can continue to collect your $86,000 a year without ever speaking to the media.”

“I don’t have to explain myself! Listen, I don’t have to explain myself to the commissioners or the taxpayers or the media or the employees. I’m the President dammit!”

“By the way, you’re doing a great job!”

“No, I know you don’t really do anything but you’re doing a great job anyway!”

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my previous work, and even for those of you who are, here’s a recap as to the state of middle management at my current place of employment, or within the Cook County Health Services division:

In February, I got a pink slip. I haven’t received a raise in over three years, none of us in county management have—except for the commissioners, the president, the interim president and many of the unqualified individuals that have been able to take advantage of the questionable scruples of the current administration. My pink slip was rescinded. Many have been laid off while Toddy continues to hire more unnecessary people who are not required to actually do anything. The budget has been passed but a qualified version of said budget is yet to be made available to the taxpayers, also known as those who pay for the budget. Many more have been laid off or terminated. An alleged 11 to 13 million dollars is being spent to tuck-point the brick at my place of employment, even thought 60 to 70 percent of the space is being unused and they’re trying to end long term care. A pseudo-budget is on one of the County websites indicating that my position, among many others, is no longer going to be necessary. And now, they want me, that’s right, me, to take 2 weeks off without pay.

Here’s a cryptic message to said administration, if you can’t figure it out perhaps you can have some of your PR people try it, it’s not like they have anything else to do. Anyway, here’s my response to your ‘request’ for me to take 10 days unpaid even though you’ve already discontinued my position:

11-9-19-19/ 13-25/ 1-19-19

Have a ball, and hey, I mean it sincerely!

I’ll tell you what kids, I could go on and on about the madness of King Todd here but I will just suffice it to say that in my world assholes are wiped clean, not left to sit happy in their own shit. And ya know what else boys, girls, and others; those responsible for this administration are a bunch of happy assholes. It’s time to appeal to the parents in this dysfunctional little family, or the taxpayers, to step in with some flushable wipes ‘cause it’s starting to f--king stink around here!!

P.S. Kudos to Stroger for getting his cousin confirmed as the County's chief financial officer!! Since she was in a position to actually do something about the f---ed up financial state of the county for the last 8 years, this can only mean that we have three and a half more years of stellar performance to look forward to!!

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